What to know when diagnosed with cancer

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What we aren’t told

I put together a list of things that would have been valuable information to know after the cancer diagnosis entered our home.

Having figured all this out on my own (years after the diagnosis) I don’t want other women to struggle finding answers.

Below is a list of things we aren’t told when cancer enters our life but can have an impact on the journey.

7 Things I wished I was told when diagnosed with cancer

  1. Your life as you know it will CHANGE:

    When the word cancer enters your life (whether it be yourself or a loved one) comes with change. Change in your daily routine, how you feel, what is important to you, etc. One of the biggest changes is the loss of control we feel along the journey.

    Navigating the changes comes with tolerance. Learning to evaluate our tolerance level to change and how we react to it will help us diffuse added stress, feeling the pressure of trying to be in control, feeling frustration, fear, etc.

    When the tolerance level reaches its limit, release it so it doesn’t control you. This doesn’t mean you let your tolerance squash your spirit, let it guide you in the right direction.

  2. You will feel like you are on an emotional ROLLERCOASTER:

    I wasn’t prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions that hit me. It would be nice to be told when we are diagnosed with cancer that the emotions will be like assigning you the front seat on the wild ride at the amusement park. Not only will the emotions be up and down, but present at any time and any place.

    Hang on, it can be a rough ride but know we DO have control over a lot of what is going on. Mostly we have control over our thoughts and reactions to things. In addition, if I can give one bit of advice, feel the feels - it can be a great release when we can feel the emotions and let them slip away. Feeling and releasing emotions is a big part of the healing process.

  3. Your brain will tell you all kinds of information - most of it FALSE:

    Your brain can turn into a rumor mill of wild stories and unlikely scenarios, like an overactive imagination. Remember, it's your ego doing most of the talking and the brains way of keeping you distracted. Stay away from doctor Google and the rabbit holes your mind will take you.

    When your thoughts feel like they are taking over take a minute to pause. Ask yourself, “is that a true thought or false”? “Is that thought helping me or hurting me”? When it’s determined the thought is false or hurting you…set it aside and focus on what is true

  4. What you EAT is important:

    Supplying the body with the necessary fuel can play a significant role in treatment outcomes, managing stress levels, and supporting your immune system.

    During my husband’s treatI heard so many times “it doesn’t matter what you eat” and followed that direction Avoid sugar, processed food, and eating healthy fats can help reduce stress, and support your body's innate immune system.

  5. AROMATHERAPY can calm the body and mind:

    Aromatherapy is a simple therapeutic practice using essential oils to bring near-instant relaxation and calm to the body and mind. Smelling essential oils through a diffuser or topical use triggers the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for emotions and memory.

    Essential oils like lavender, Adaptiv, and Balance are known for their stress-reducing properties. The almost immediate calming sensation provided by aromatherapy makes it a popular and accessible tool for stress relief and emotional well-being.

  6. A warm epsom salt bath is more than just for RELAXATION:

    There are simple natural ways to support the body. A warm epsom salt bath can RELAX you, pull out the dead cancer cells during treatment, AND provide your body with vital MINERALS lost during the stressful time.

    Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, can help ease muscle tension from stress, reduce inflammation from treatment, and even aid in detoxification, making it a holistic experience to help restore mind, body, and spirit during a cancer journey.

  7. The 5 year mark to be deemed ‘cancer free’ is a myth:

    You don’t have to WAIT until the 5 year anniversary to be cancer free.

    Yup…I heard it directly from the M.D. who cared for my husband during his cancer journey. He announced this at my husbands 5 year annual check up.

    I share this to help others understand there isn’t a magic number or specific year that you are cancer free. You don’t have to wait and worry, consumed with fear for 5 years.

    Mindset is so important, believe in you and yourself, listen to your body, reduce environment toxins and chemicals in food, and reduce stress. Caring for the mind and body will provide the foundation for overall wellness.

    My blog post Practicing Mindfulness provides simple tips to help you get present as a foundation to healing.

Unspoken challenges when diagnosed

What we aren’t told when we hear the cancer diagnosis often leaves us faced with challenges that often remain unspoken, navigating unchartered territory.

From the ever-changing landscape of your life to the rollercoaster of emotions experienced, it's important to remember that there are hidden truths and powerful tools at your fingertips.

Embracing your emotional well-being, soaking in the benefits of aromatherapy, and making self-care a priority have their benefits.

You don't have to go through it alone, there's a whole world of support and healing that can be found elsewhere.

As a cancer doula I hold that space for you and guide you through the journey to find calm and joy along the way.

Upcoming Event:

Retreat for Women Touched by Cancer; A Weekend of Self-Care, Healing, and Connection

A unique and rejuvenating retreat is on the horizon for women who have been touched by cancer. Set to take place on May 3rd - 5th in Eau Claire, WI.

This weekend getaway offers a respite from the daily responsibilities of life and a dedicated space for self-care and healing. Participants can expect to leave feeling inspired and connected with other women who are on a similar cancer journey.

The retreat, designed to provide solace and support for women facing the challenges of cancer, offers a diverse range of holistic therapies, healing modalities, and educational sessions.

With a focus on nurturing the mind, body, and spirit, attendees will have the opportunity to partake in various activities that promote physical well-being, healing, and renewed hope.

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