How to Prepare for Cancer: Helpful tips for an uncertain journey

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Is anyone ever prepared for a cancer diagnosis much less prepared for what they’ll be faced with? Some of what I experienced during my cancer experience helped me put together this list. Here are 10 questions that may help you navigate the unknowns, overwhelm, and guide the emotional path!

10 Questions to ask yourself after a cancer diagnosis:

1. Do I know what my treatment options are?

It’s okay to ask about all treatment options and not settle for the first treatment presented. Do some research on your type of cancer. Look into natural options that complement traditional treatment if that’s the treatment of choice. It’s okay to ask questions, don’t be afraid to get a second (or third) opinion. My years of working in the medical field I learned it was common for Medical Oncologists to consult with each other all the time. Ask if they’ve brought your case to anyone else for review and what was discussed. This is your journey and ultimately your decision to make. Don’t settle for the first option - especially if something doesn’t feel right!

2. What are the stages of a Cancer Journey?

This is one area that is not covered in any medical setting. Like any major life experience there are certain phases one goes through. Knowing in advance what these stages are can help prepare and understand what you are and will be going through. Click here for a copy of the Cancer Journey Roadmap. Following the path of what you are experiencing can be healing in itself.

3. Am I willing to let others help me?

We all want to be strong and sometimes our pride gets in the way of asking for help. You will need help! It’s okay to ask for help and receive it! Going through cancer is not the time for you to think you can do it all. Not to be harsh, but there are so many people who want to help and when we resist it denies others of their joy in helping. Lean on friends, family, coworkers, and embrace the offers. Ask others what they are good at and let them do that for you! Don’t wait until you are tired and exhausted, accept the help when you can and work with others to create a plan for the months ahead.

4. How can I support my body while going through treatment?

Your body will be exposed to so many toxins/meds, etc. and there are ways you can support it to help minimize side effects and toxic overload. 

  • Caster oil packs can help support the liver, helps with inflammation, lessens side effects of treatment, and can help detox the body.

  • Epsom salt baths are a great option for detox and mineral replenishment.

  • Essential oils support the body in many ways from emotional support to side effects of treatment.

These natural options are easy to use and support the body in natural ways. Check out my recent blog for more details.

5. Am I prepared to become emotionally stressed?

Going through a cancer diagnosis takes a toll on your emotional being. Emotional health is an important part of overall health especially when faced with a life changing event. Being emotionally healthy allows us to be in control of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Having the tools to create an environment using healthy practices to cope allows our body & mind to bounce back from difficulties faster, building resilience.

Essential oils also offer emotional support and are used daily for aromatherapy in our house. Adaptiv oil is a blend of Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, Sweetgum, Wild Orange, Spearmint, Copaiba, and Rosemary and is perfect to run in a diffuser. This blend increases feelings of tranquility, soothes and uplifts mood and provides a calming and relaxing aroma.

I put some of the best ways to support your body and mind in a simple document just for you. You can download it here.

6. How can I support my immune system?

Reducing sugar or removing it completely from your diet and increasing healthy fats can help support your immune system and provide your body with fuel. Swap out processed foods for whole food options. Processed foods are laced with chemicals that add extra stress to the immune system. Get at least 8 hours of sleep, and support your emotional wellbeing. Using an essential oil blend on the bottom of the feet daily is another way to support the immune system. Using a blend of On Guard, Frankincense, Lemon, Tea Tree, and Oregano helped my family stay healthy and free of illness through our cancer journey. You can find all these essential oils here in a convenient kit. As a bonus when you purchase this kit, I will send you the daily immune recipe in addition to a bonus oil for a ‘calming’ blend.

7. Am I prepared to be an advocate for myself?

During your follow up appointments there may be additional information or changes from one appointment to another. The medical team may assume you understand all the instructions, medical terms, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask specific, detailed questions about anything you don’t understand or have confusing thoughts on. This is your first time going through the experience. The medical team talks oncology all day long and may assume you understand. Pause to inquire and get clarifying information any time during your treatment regimen. Don’t be afraid to take notes while in the appointment so you don’t forget important information.

8. Am I willing to have difficult conversations with loved ones?

There may be times when information needs to be shared that is sensitive, times to express your wishes, or even establish boundaries. Loved ones want to help and be supportive however at times they may overstep their bounds or act in a way that isn’t serving you. These conversations aren’t ever easy, don’t ignore them or wait too long to get things resolved. Start with heart, share your wishes and desires with them. Setting clear expectations and boundaries is essential for healing.

9. Will I be emotional?

Did you know there are over 25 different emotions? A cancer diagnosis can bring on many different feelings. Some common emotions include stress, overwhelm, anxiety, worry, fear to name a few. I believe I experienced every one of these (and more) during my cancer experience and while I cared for my husband when he was diagnosed. Emotions can create both a physical and emotional response. Be willing to acknowledge and respond to the emotions as they present! Let yourself have a good cry, scream the anger out, or physically release the emotion on a pillow or bed. Suppressing emotions can lead to other issues and disease if left unattended. John Gray says it perfectly “What you feel, you can heal”.

10. Do I have the emotional support I need?

Having a support system in place is important during this vulnerable time in your life. The patient or family is typically not asked how they are dealing with the diagnosis. The medical team is focused on tests, treatment plans, medications, etc. and aren’t trained to help the patient and family navigate the journey. Having someone who has been through it can provide inspiration and a sense of hope. Find a support group or someone who has experienced a cancer diagnosis. Having a network of individuals who can relate can help meet your emotional needs.

Cancer is an emotional, life changing experience.

As a cancer survivor I offer coaching services to help bridge the gap between the clinical and emotional aspects of healing.

If you or a loved one needs support and guidance check out my services for more information.

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Oil Highlight - Adaptiv 

When stress and tension seem to be relentless, Adaptiv Calming Blend is the precise solution. Use Adaptiv to help get comfortable with new surroundings or situations. In preliminary studies, the scent of Lavender, a main ingredient of Adaptiv, has been found to contribute to an environment conducive to performing tasks requiring sustained attention. Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, and Sweetgum provide stress-relieving effects while Wild Orange and Spearmint energize and uplift. Copaiba and Rosemary soothe anxious feelings to round out the calming blend. Adaptiv Calming Blend is part of the toolbox to help the body and mind to stay balanced.

Mix 5-6 drops with Epson salts and add to bath water for a relaxing soak. Add Adaptiv to a diffuser to promote a centered and calm mindset. Apply one drop to your hands, rub together and inhale deeply as needed throughout the day. Roll Adaptiv on wrists, forearms, behind ears as a perfume alternate to experience a calming effect.


Feeling Helpless? Coping Skills Anyone Can Use During the Cancer Journey


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