Caregiver Stress: Top 5 Struggles as a Caregiver

Caregiver Stress

Caregiver stress is a real thing! Not only are you mentally exhausted at times, there are other struggles a caregiver deals with. Care giving is a tough job. It can be rewarding and exhausting all at the same time. Taking care of a loved one going through cancer/illness or maybe you are a caregiver at your job or caring for your elder parents. There are many caregiver roles in our life today.

I recently asked a group of caregivers what their struggles or challenges were. You can imagine the list was quite long with many feelings and challenges so I took the top 5 and decided to break them down and offer a few recovery tips.

Caregiver stress is in the Top 5 Struggles of Caregiving:

  1. Emotional rollercoaster – When you are caring for a loved one be prepared to go on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. In all the ways!! Not only do you have your own feelings that come up but there’s also your loved one’s emotions can trigger other feelings in yourself. The caregiver usually has a deep love and compassion for the person they are caring for and it is normal to feel a range of emotions. Caregivers may also experience happiness and excitement when there are improvements or milestones that have been achieved. Celebrating all the small wins will bring in a sense of accomplishment and joy! Self-care is important as a caregiver so do what brings you joy even if you feel there isn’t enough time. Take a walk around the block or around the yard, see the nature and beauty in the moment. This is a great way to clear the mind and help ground you. In addition, let the tears flow if needed. Nothing better than releasing what doesn’t serve you in nature.

  2. Feelings of not doing enough – Caregivers often feel like they aren’t doing enough or feel like they aren’t able to help their loved one more. Self-doubt pops up about your abilities or decisions can also arise, especially when so many changes happening and there are uncertainties or difficult choices to make. Give yourself grace…you are doing the best you can. You weren’t handed a manual when you started in this role, you may be learning along the way.

  3. Stress – Caregiver stress is a big one! This is a demanding and stressful job, especially when it involves managing someone else’s health, coordinating appointments, advocating for your loved one, and other daily tasks. This stress can lead to anxiety, sleep issues, digestive issues, and feelings of overwhelm. Find ways to care for you – you can’t pour from an empty cup so set aside time for the things that bring you joy. Make sure to eat well (reduce sugar and processed food) and move your body. Find your own support team to delegate tasks so you aren’t doing it alone. Don’t underestimate the power of aromatherapy – it was incredibly supportive in my own mental health when caring for my husband. There are more ways to help manage stress in my recent blog posts.

  4. Guilt – We tend to hold ourselves to the highest standard and criticize ourselves when we fall short of those expectations. You might feel guilty about asking for help, taking time for yourself, not doing enough, etc. All this extra guilt can add to your stress. Before you beat yourself up, take a minute to step back and acknowledge that you feel guilty, ask yourself if you are being realistic in your expectations of yourself, remind yourself of all the good things you did and write them down if you need to. Creating a journaling practice when you get consumed with guilt is a way to soften the guilty feelings. And don’t forget to celebrate all the small successes along the way!

  5. Mental Exhaustion – Caregivers can feel physically and emotionally exhausted from the demands of caregiving, which can lead to burnout. Prioritize self-care! Arrange for help and take a break, do some simple meditation with calming music or a guided meditation to help relax and quiet the body down. Aromatherapy and topical use of essential oils also helps with mental clarity and focus during these stressful times. There are more tips in my blog post of Natural Remedies to try during cancer treatment that are great options for the caregiver role as well.

Caregiver stress is one of the biggest struggles so give yourself grace. Caring for your loved one doesn’t have to be free from faults or limitation. You are doing everything as perfectly as good as it is possible to be.

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